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Elizabethtown College Lecture Series – Olivia Troye

Event Date:

February 1, 2024

Event Time:

7:00 pm

Event Location:

Elizabethtown College

Doing the Right Thing. Even When It Costs Everything.When Olivia Troye blew the whistle on President Trump’s Administration by accusing the president of failing to protect the American people, she was warned, “You’ll never work in Washington again.” In the days, weeks, and months that followed her resignation from the White House Coronavirus Task Force and as Vice President Pence’s national security advisor, Troye received death threats, had longtime friends cut ties, and saw her name vilified on social media. But she also received grateful messages from ordinary Americans praising her as a role model for their children. In her keynote, Olivia shares her personal journey to becoming one of the most notable government whistleblowers in recent American history. “I took on the president, the most powerful man in the country,” she says. “Because even if it means giving everything up, it’s important to do the right thing for the greater good.” What does it mean when you follow your moral compass to do what’s right, not what’s easy? How does it feel to put your career, reputation, and relationships on the line? Troye examines the journey that led to the most important decision of her career—and her choice to let her ethics, values, and commitment to protecting the American people overtake her personal fears.

For more info please visit https://www.etown.edu/offices/president/lecture-series.aspx#olivia

  • Elizabethtown College
  • 1 Alpha Drove
  • Elizabethtown
  • PA
  • 17022

Event Schedule Details

  • February 1, 2024 7:00 pm   -   8:30 pm
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